Improve your CRM for your services team

Turn your open cases into resolutions. Close more cases more efficiently and in less time by improving Salesforce and Dynamics.

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Does this sound familiar?

Cases are generated automatically, via the web or an email, or created manually by the team after a call. Cases can be of different types and have different priorities. Depending on these and other parameters, cases have a resolution flow and maximum resolution times per step. Cases can be escalated or eventually resolved with the participation of team members.

Key elements for services teams

Reduction of resolution time

Minimize case resolution time.

Useful interactions

Minimize the number of interactions with the client to the minimum necessary to gather the information needed to resolve the case.

Remember to follow up on cases

Do not forget to follow up on cases, especially when they are waiting for a third party (client or colleague) to do something or pass on some pending information.


It is important to use the communication channels that the customer prefers (telephone, mail or WhatsApp).

Information at a click

It is important to have access to information that allows to solve doubts both to the client and to the agent.

Activity recorded at all times

In order to understand the level of service and cost, it is key to record all activity, times at each stage and content of communications with customers.

This is how we optimize your CRM

We give you the innovation you need to power your Salesforce and Dynamics. Increase productivity and get better data to make good decisions.

60% Increase in Productivity

  • Navigation speed in Salesforce and Dynamics with Bloobirds is 5x faster.
  • All contact tools are one click away from Salesforce or Dynamics.
  • Activity is reported automatically.
  • CRM updating is automatic – including notes and field updates.
  • Email follow-up can be automated.
  • Tasks are automatically organized and prioritized – the sales agent knows what needs to be done at all times.
  • Inbound activities (calls, whatsApps, mails) are all accessible from Salesforce and Dynamics in a single inbox from which they can be answered with one click.

Decrease in training time by up to 80%

  • Case tracking, through pre-configured cadences (Who to contact at any given time).
  • Collecting information and updating fields in Salesforce and Dynamics (what to report and when).
  • What message and content to use depending on the case.

Ensure consistency in follow-up by 95%

  • You can dynamically prioritize tasks based on any variable the case has in Salesforce or Dynamics (customer type, case type, etc).
  • It has cadences to allow you to set the follow-up plan for the case. The cadences generate the follow-up tasks.
  • It has the contents (FAQs, guides, etc) along with the dialer, WhatsApp, and mail. They can be segmented by customer type, product, and any Salesforce or Dynamics variable.
  • It guides through intelligent assistants the collection of information. When ending a call or changing the status of a case.
  • Identifies unclosed cases with no future task that should have it so that the agent can keep their cases updated.Case tracking, through pre-configured cadences (Who to contact at any given time).
    Collecting information and updating fields in your CRM (what to report and when).
    What message and content to use depending on the case.