Five Essential Salesforce Tools

How to make the most powerful CRM in the market even better!


What you´ll find in this ebook

Salesforce is by far the most popular CRM in the world and the go-to software for businesses looking for managing a big number of accounts. Still, Salesforce alone is not enough to turn it into the sales machine you need to make your organization take off. 

This is why we have created this quick guide, where we will introduce you to the five most essential Salesforce integrations and tools your company needs to level up your CRMs performance, in order to boost your teams´ performance, add revenue grow your company.

Here are just a few of the topics you’ll find inside

  • The importance of Salesforce for businesses 
  • Why adding tools to Salesforce matters
  • Types of Salesforce integrations and their benefits

Who’s this guide for?

Sales & Business Development Managers
Discover the best features to make your sales reps fall in love with Salesforce so you can increase its adoption and boost productivity.


Sales Reps
Find out which Salesforce integrations might be a better fit to help you save time in your day-to-day tasks and help you get a better user experience of your CRM.


Digital innovators
Learn about Salesforce tools you might be missing out on, that you can start implementing in your company to help them be up-to-date with the latest trends in the tech industry.