How Can I Manage Stress in a Frontline Sales Job?


How Can I Manage Stress in a Frontline Sales Job?

Feeling stressed as an SDR or AE? You’re not alone. Sarah Hicks, SDR Manager at Predictable Revenue, shares tips on how to manage stress as a Sales Rep.

In this quick video, Sarah Hicks, SDR Manager at Predictable Revenue, and Seb Sanders, AE at Bloobirds, tell us how they manage stress in their frontline sales jobs. 

Check out this quick video, or read the full transcript below.


What helps you manage stress as an SDR?

Sarah Hicks: I think, as I mentioned, blocking your day is great for work. I think blocking your day is great for time off work too. 

So something that I do is block out time in my calendar when I’ve got, you know, three meetings back to back, then I need a break after that. 

I know that I need to recalibrate and take some time for myself. So I’ll block some time in my calendar. That might be for lunch. It might be to walk the dog in the morning. Or it might be to do some exercise later on in the day. Whatever helps you decompress. 

I encourage you to block that as well because there’s nothing worse than finding an empty calendar and Prospect Book. Like you’ve sent out your calendar link on a bunch of different prospecting emails

Prospects Books are like, “yeah, look at all these meetings that I’m going to be having.” And then, all of a sudden, you end up with eight meetings back-to-back, and it’s getting less and less appealing every second.

So go ahead on your calendar, create recurring blocks or go a week ahead and create those individual blocks. 

But block your time for sure because you want to make sure that that time is there for you in the day as well.

Any tips on how to manage stress in a sales job, as an AE?

Seb Sanders: I feel like getting into a routine, actually moving onto this, is key. 

And also having little rituals or ways to, I guess, disassociate. 

Something that I do, for example, at lunch break, I might play a game of FIFA and might throw some darts. I recently got a dartboard and it’s like a whole new thing for me.

Want to learn more tips for managing stress in sales? Check out the full webinar.

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